Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Rising C.O.C.K - It may become a reality sooner than later

C.O.C.K -  Chinese Occupied and Controlled Kashmir

This is happening!!! And of my theme in the book is dealing with this scenario. Scared to see it become a reality:

Is this the Azzadi which is been chanted by certain elements in Srinagar. See what you are getting into!!!

God Save India!!!! Because lack of strategic planning and vision it will be over before we can even react.

Wake..Up..India..Wake Up....America- Britain please help!!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fight your destiny, Build Hope and Make it HAPPEN!!!

Because you don’t know which forces of the Universe are conspiring against you?

More than one billion people are praying for Mansur, the small town boy to succeed. One politician is making sure the Indian subcontinent is at peace while another trying to get forgiveness from his nation. One Swedish intelligence officer trying to decode a puzzle by a fanatic who is making one last ditch attempt to bring chaos and anarchy in the world.

As a result a secret will be revealed which will change earth’s history. And this secret has the potential to take the human race into another evolution cycle either way. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One man, a billion prayers

The journey has started, I went to search for my Baramulla Bomber and I found him. I found him in every living person there, I found him in every hope of how things will change and the future will be bright.

29th of September 2009, I have begun writting. The journey began many months back, but now the work begins, as I saw the town of Srinagar on top of a hill.

So it begins....